5 Questions With Olivia Lopez Of Lust For Life


Millennial muses possess a keen editorial eye and a willingness to try new trends, and for that, we thought we would spotlight another personal favourite.

Olivia Lopez’s love of all things lifestyle fills our feeds with a healthy dose of daily inspiration. With nods to travel and fashion, this is one blog you absolutely need to bookmark.

Here are 5 questions (and answers) with Olivia Lopez of Lust for Life.


1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog?

“I’m a photographer based in Los Angeles, and Lust for Life was a journal I started a few years ago to document my perspective on personal style and my obsession with music and culture. It’s evolved a long way since the early days of blogging and now serves more as a portfolio to showcase the different creative collaborations I take on that intersects in design and travel.”

2. Are there any photo editing apps that you swear by?

VSCO and Snapseed are great for creating a mood and signature look to your images.”


3. What are your top five cities, and what trips do you have lined up this year?

“My five favorite places I’ve visited is Rio, Havana, Porto, Mexico City and the South of France. I’d love to visit Casablanca and Buenos Aires this year.” 

4. What city or country served you the best meal, and what was it?

“Best culinary trip I’ve taken was in Barcelona, which serves up the most savoury food from casual dining to the high end. I loved everything from the salty tapas paired with cava to the exploding olives at Disfrutar.” 

5. What’s are the pieces you never leave home without? 

“My camera, a good book and a journal.”